Search Results: enjoy

Which one you would pursue, temperature control or variable voltage?

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Tem control and variable voltage, these two working modes really make different vaping experience. The variable voltage function is a technology that has been developed maturely. In terms of temp control, it is lately developed. Regarding the specific vaping experience, most of vapers feel that...

Aspire Nautilus BVC coil is an advanced one!

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If you have gotten an original Aspire Nautilus Tank, you know this atomizer is accompanied by BDC coil in it. Its mini version, Nautilus mini tank is released with the newly patented BVC coil by Aspire. Compared with BDC coil technology, this new coil technology will produce huge vapor and...

My really fantastic vaping experience on Aspire Nautilus Mini!

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I just want to share my enjoyable vaping experience on Aspire Nautilus Mini . I got my mini Nautilus bvc yesterday on Aspire official authorized website. and all I have to say is OMFG. after vaping on this thing it seems like I have wasted tons of ejuice vaping with other clearomizers. I was...

What do you think about this vaper's review

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A vaper's saying about Eleaf iStick: I would recommend the 60 watt eleaf I stick with a kangertech SubTank Mini. Eleaf to me is the best mod on the market, without spending a ton of money. They're very reliable, and produce the taste and clouds that your are after. I would not recommend the...

Eleaf iStick 20W is trustworthy electronic box mod with the reasonable price

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Although there alreadly have appeared various kinds of powerful electronic box mod to meet vapers' diversified needs, iStick 20W is still a good choice for vapers, especially for a beginner in vaping. Firstly, its 2200mAh output wattage is enough for vapers to enjoy vapor production and if you...

Use your Aspire Nautilus under the recommended wattage to avoid a burning and terrible taste

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You know Aspire Nautilus is really a perfect atomizer for its good taste production. Although many vapers may have been encountered with some problems when using Nautilus, they still can not abandon this finished atomizer with so good taste. Most of problems appearing in utility are caused by...

Eleaf istick mod has a higher cost performance than Innokin iTaste VTR mod

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Eleaf has released several versions of box mods, mini istick, istick 20W, istick 30W, istick TC40W, istick 50W, istick 100W. These products are different from each other not only in maximum output wattage, also in function achievment and every version seems to make an improvement based on the...

As a beginner in vaping, which electronic cigarette mod you should choose

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Want to experience a distinctive feeling from smoking traditional cigarette? Vaping is now becoming a popular trend and not only for its bigger safety and health gurantee than traditional cigarette, also for the increasingly improved and advanced technology adopted in the design of electronic...

Eleaf iStick variable voltage/wattage 20W is characterized by kinds of features except for arrow button lock function

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If you are a starter of eleaf istick electronic cigarette mod, eleaf istick 20W could not be better option. This tiny stuff holds powerful functions, such as atomizer short-circuit protection, 10 seconds dry burning protection and other protection functions, also voltage and wattage...

Recent research of second hand vapor

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For the user, it’s obvious that vaping is a great alternative to smoking. Many of us, including myself, now prefer vaping to smoking entirely. I really enjoy all the different flavor options and being able to vape a single hit or two without dedicating 5-10 minutes to go have a cigarette....

You are smoking for refreshing your mind and seeking inspiration

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When you focus on playing computer, hand rapidly pounding on the keyboard, but leisurely smoking a cigarette with another hand....... This feeling makes you enjoyable. Then one by one, you often forget the specific number of branches you have taken, but saw a bag of smoke opened, you feel the...

3 Best ways to keep your quit intact through the holiday season

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A successful quit depends on your ability to remain focused on your goal of a smoke-free life. This is no easy task, especially for the newly quit. The holiday distractions and being with people in places where you used to smoke can lure you back into old habits and lifestyle. Be prepared and...

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