In my opinion, 60 watts is more than enough for most people, especially those who tank vape. I mean, I get that many people feel they need 150 or 200 watts, and I get it. I mean, for a few extra bucks, why the hell not? I don’t need much wattage over 50W and Joyetech is marketing to people who feel the same. I can’t wait to see how the eVic-VT does a few months down the road, especially against other big name and popular devices, though I am concerned that the 60W limit will hold this thing back.

So why not more than 60 watts? I think the answer is simple. Joyetch wanted to allow usb charging and to accomplish this the battery had to remain low amperage. If you want USB charging, well then you can forget about devices that are powerful enough to pull out 100w plus, these require a battery with more voltage than a usb charger can handle.